Wednesday, October 21, 2015 (tomorrow) is the precise day in the future Doc and Marty travel to in the 2nd Back to the Future film. This year also marks the 30th anniversary of the first film release. So, How far have we come in that time? No flying cars yet, but a closer look reveals some other predictions weren't far off: Video conferencing, Google Glass, hover boards, self tying shoes, 3D movies to name a few.

More importantly, how will you be celebrating Back to the Future Day? Maybe you'll kick back and relax to the Back to the Future trilogy which is streaming from Amazon Prime or you can own the 30th anniversary Blu-ray for $30. Or maybe you'll pick up the newly released collectors item Back to the Future: The Ultimate Visual History for $30 hardcover or $18 Kindle edition. You could always browse the ThinkGeek collection of BTTF knick knacks.  Read more of this post