Nintendo 64 on Android Wear - YouTube 2015-10-30 15-31-52

We've seen a slew of emulators — everything from Macintosh II to Game Boy Color — running on Android Wear devices before, but the latest entries from Hacking Jules might be the most absurd yet. In these videos, we can see that popular PSP emulator PPSSPP and an unnamed Nintendo 64 emulator are both — albeit barely — capable of running on the LG G Watch...

It goes without saying that this is definitely a case of "why not," rather than any kind of practical use case. Both emulators are barely chugging along (despite how impressive it is that they're working at all). As you can see, frame rates are definitely in the realm of unplayable, and a screen of this size just doesn't really work as a controller either.

Here are the videos: